About Me


My name is Radka Preisler I'm originally from the Czech Republic. I moved to Ireland 21 years ago. I'm a photographer who specializes in equine photography. This is the field I'm most passionate about because horses have been a part of my life from a very young age. I started taking photographs at equine events around 17 years ago. What started as a fun hobby luckily turned into my full-time job and I have been in the business for 10 years now. I have attended national and International events such as Tattersalls, Camphire, Millstreet, Ballindenisk, Badminton, Burghley and Aachen.

As a owner of many pets like dogs, cats and other furry friends, I am also dedicated to photographing these wonderful companions, mostly in the safety and comfort of the owners home, whether it be in the garden, in a field or any space where they feel at ease and would like their timeless moments captured. I have created a small studio that I use for family portraits and it's also a safe space for a photoshoot with your pets.

For more information, please contact me by email - radka.tom@gmail.com

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